The Kedaireka Team from the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) together with students from the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) carried out field monitoring in the PT concession area. Vale Indonesia. The activity takes place starting at 10.00 WITA, Saturday (28/10/2023).
At this activity, the Unhas Forestry Faculty Kedaireka Team, namely, Dr. Ir. Siti Halimah Larekeng, S.P., M.P. and Ir. Munajat Nursaputra, S.Hut., M.Sc., IPM. together with the Head of the Forestry Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Ir. Sitti Nuraeni, M.P. and 11 MBKM students from the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas.
Field supervision is part of the Biodiversity Monitoring System Piloting activities for Management of High Value Conservation Areas in Mining Areas which will take place from October 28 to November 25, 2023.
This activity includes precise monitoring of flora in permanent plots, installation of camera traps to monitor fauna, microbial and mycorrhizal sampling to map the genetic diversity of key species in the mining area.
Ir. Munajat Nursaputra, S.Hut., M.Sc., IPM. explained that this activity was a periodic data collection carried out by the Biodiversity Division, Environment and Permit Management Department of PT. Vale Indonesia.
“This year is the second monitoring after baseline measurements were carried out in 2020, where in 2020 there was assistance from the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Forestry team and in 2023 this was assisted by MBKM internship students from the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Forestry,” explained Munajat.
This activity is a commitment of PT. Vale Indonesia to implement ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles where biodiversity monitoring data is very important.