Forest and Society Research Group (FSRG) of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas), in collaboration with the Sebijak Institute of Gadjah Mada University and CE-HERO, Mulawarman University, hosted the International Workshop on Vulnerable Deltas in Southeast Asia, Climate Change, Water Pollution and Socio- Economic Transformation. The activity took place starting at 09.00 WITA in Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province, Thursday (7/12/2023).
The activity is an annual event in order to provide updates regarding the progress of each country involved, such as Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Viet Nam regarding village history and migration, youth and education, ponds, village institutions, mangroves and conservation, and MSMEs. This activity was initiated by the East West Center with support from the Wilson Center, and funded by the Luce Foundation.
Van Huynh Thanh Pham, from An Giang University Viet Nam said that Tani Baru Village experienced massive landscape changes, from coconut plantations to mangrove forests, from mangroves being converted into shrimp ponds, but because many shrimp were attacked by disease, many farmers started looking for work. on land.
This activity provides space for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students to present their research related to Delta on various topics.
Muh. Ilham Basmar, postgraduate student at the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, presented preliminary findings for his thesis entitled Sulawesi-Kalimantan Migration Network: The Influence of Migration on Rural Livelihoods and Landscapes.
In his research, Basmar wants to know the processes and factors that influence the migration process of the Sulawesi population, identify migration patterns and adaptation strategies of the ethnic Bugis migrant population in Tani Baru village, identify the influence of the Bugis ethnic migrant network on livelihoods and landscapes in Tani Baru village, Delta Mahakam, East Kalimantan.
At this activity, the Chief in Editor of the Forest and Society Research Group (FSRG) Faculty of Forestry Unhas, Prof. Dr. forests. Muhammad Alif KS., S.Hut., M.Sc. On this occasion he asked the resource persons regarding research communication for sensitive research topics
The activity ended with a “speed dating” session. In this session, participants can choose topics according to their interests. The options available are varied, starting from theories about interesting infographics, getting acquainted with research methods, exploring research on migration, how to get our writing published in international journals, and designing field trip activities for undergraduate students.
The activity lasted for 4 days starting from the 4th to December 7, 2023.