Based on this curriculum, students can complete a study period of 3.5 years (seven semesters) with a total of 144 credit points or 244.8 ECTS, namely 122 credits of compulsory courses, 8 credits of elective courses, 4 credits of Field Work Practice 1/General Practice, 4 credits Field Work Practice 2/Student Study Service, 1 credit of Comprehensive Examination, 1 credit of Final Seminar, and 4 credits of Final Project (Thesis). The courses presented in this curriculum are presented as follows:

No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
1Religion Education (18F03110612)23,4Compulsory (National Mandatory)Religion course introduces the basic framework of Islam, the existence and responsibility of human, law and human rights in Islam, Madani society and many
2Civic Education (18E05110782)23,4Compulsory (National Mandatory)Civic education introduces the characteristics of law awareness, Pancasila values and character, national identities, impact of globalization in Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and several such as National identity, Constitutional System, Democracy, Citizens’ Rights and Obligationsdownload
3Maritime Socio-cultural Insight (18E07110732)23,4Compulsory (University Mandatory)Maritime Socio-cultural Insight introduces the characteristics of maritime continent, maritime resources, maritime population, maritime culture and principle of integrated and sustainable development of maritime
4English Language (18F04110762)23,4Compulsory (National Mandatory)This course introduces the techniques of reading, previewing such as Bilingual Dictionary, Labelling and Entry Dictionaries, Skimming and Scanning, and predicting Patterns of organization (text types) download
5Basic Mathematics (18H01110803)35,1Compulsory (University Mandatory)Real Number Systems, Real Functions, Limits and Continuity, Derivatives of Functions, Applications of Derivatives, Anti-Deterivatives and Integrals, Integral Techniques and Integral Applications, Introduction to Matrix Theory and Systems of linear equations and their
6Basic Chemistry (18H03110903)35,1Compulsory (University Mandatory)Atom structured, Element periodic system, Chemical bonds, Stoichiometry and concentration, Chemical equilibrium and acid-base equilibrium, Chemical Thermodynamics, chemical kinetic, electrochemical, and Hydro-carbon molecules and Functions groups of organic compounddownload
7Pancasila Education (18E05110792)23,4Compulsory (National Mandatory)This course introduces the position and role of Pancasila about study of Indonesian history, basis of the state, state ideology, philosophy system, ethical system, and as the basis for the value of the development of science in Indonesiadownload
8Introduction of Forestry Science (20M01110102)23,4CompulsoryIn this course describe Forest functions and benefits, Forest & Forestry, Forest Management, Forest Cultivation, Forest Resources Conservation, Forest Products Technology, Indonesia’s forest potential, Development of Forest Management in Indonesia, Forester Profession
9Forest Climatology (20M01110202)23,4CompulsoryIn this course describe definition and information, mechanisms for formation, element of weather and climate, climate classification systems, weather phenomena in tropical climates, causes and effects of climate
No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
10Science & Technology Insight (18H04110742)23,4Compulsory (University Mandatory)This course introduces the Science and Technology Perspective, Human and Universe, Science & and Technology Development, Relation of Science and Technology, The Effects of Science and Technology in every
11Indonesian Language (18F01110752)23,4Compulsory (National Mandatory)This course introduces the techniques writing process, writing element, and summary processdownload
12Basic Physic (18H02110643)35,1Compulsory (University Mandatory)This course introduces the Physical Quantities, Dynamics, Work and Energy, Linier Momentum and Collisions, Fluids, Temperature and Calor, and
13Basic Biology (18H04110943)35,1Compulsory (University Mandatory)In this Course will learn about: Basic concept of biology, The basic unit of life, Mendel Law, Reproductive system, Homeostasis, Ecology, Classification of living things, and Basics of
14Ecology (21M03110103)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces the Scope ecology, processes that occur in the ecosystem, systems, structure, and ecological pyramids, Biogeochemical, Ecosystem development and evolutiondownload
15Statistics (20M01110402)23,4CompulsoryThis course introduces the Definition and Role of Statistics, & Data presentation, Size of centering & data spreading, expected value, and variance, Parameter estimation & Simple hypothesis testing, and Simple linear regression &
16Geology & Forest Soil Science (20M01110503)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces the scope, ecological processes and factors that influence the formation of forest soils, soil characteristics, management pattern of lands, technique of overcoming nutrient deficiency with fertilization technology, soil classification, survey and evaluation of forest landdownload
17Introduction of Forest Conservation (21M03110202)23,4CompulsoryThis course introduces the scope of forest conservation, species conservation, Principles of conservation of biological & on-biological resources, Conservation development, National conservation policy, and Diversity of natural resources in Wallacea region and Indonesiadownload
No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
18Forest Spatial Information System (20M01120103)35,1CompulsoryForestry Spatial Information System describes and practices how to carry out mapping sourced from analog maps, remote sensing data, and field data collection using several tools in the forestry sectordownload
19Forest Resource Economy (20M01120202)23,4CompulsoryIn this course, students will know, describe, explain and practice related to the definition and scope of forest resource economics; the role and problems of forest resources in the economy; production of forest products; demand and supply of forest products; economic valuation of forest resources and assessment of the economic and financial feasibility of forest
20Forestry Entrepreneurship (20M01120303)35,1CompulsoryThis course explores entrepreneurial traits, creativity and innovation through case studies, business idea development, forestry business management skills, market analysis, business models, startup strategies, business forms, ethics, and forestry business proposal
21Silvika (20M01120403)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces the scope of silvika, the nature and characteristics of the growth of trees, process, rate, dimensions, factors that influence tree growth, the dynamic process of stand growth, stand ecological and economic point of view, methods of forest reproduction and regenerationdownload
22Forest Protection (20M01120503)35,1CompulsoryThe forest protection course studies the national policy for forest protection and security, abiotic factors that cause forest destruction and their prevention strategies, biotic factors that cause forest damage, prevention and control strategies, social factors that cause forest damage, prevention and problem solving
23Dendrology (21M03120103)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces the Philosophy of dendrology, and plant naming system, Plant morphology, Identification, determination, & Plant introduction of saplings, and Introduction of tree families in the
24Wood Science (20M02120202)23,4CompulsoryIn this module, students are expected to know, describe, and explain type of woody plant such as hardwood and softwood; macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of wood, the chemical components of wood; wood moisture content; specific gravity and density of wood; dimensional change of the wood; thermal, electrical and acoustic properties of wood; pressure and strain; and the relation of basic properties with future use of
25Measuring Wood Science (20M01120702)23,4CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice about calculating the potential and carrying capacity of forest land and basics of measuring trunks (trees that have been cut down or standing trees), working principles and calculations of several tools for measuringdownload
26Forest Ergonomic (20M01120802)23,4CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know, describe to develop the conditions of the human work environment and machines, human and machine productivity (efficient/effective) systems, employment, work measurement, lay out ergonomic tool in utilizing forest resourcesdownload
No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
27Watershed Management (20M01120903)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces definition, Scope, Position & Role of Watershed and Watershed Management, Watershed Ecosystem, Watershed Characteristics, Water Balance in Watershed and Watershed Management Planningdownload
28Geographic Information System (20M01121003)35,1CompulsoryGeographic information system describe, and practice about main components, Types of data and spatial database, and spatial analysis in the forestry sector such as land suitability, deforestation and afforestation, critical land, and hydrologydownload
29Non Timber Forest Product (20M01121102)23,4CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know definition, role and development, and problems of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), inventory of potential, grouping and classification of NTFPs, ecological, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of NTFPs, and management and processing of sustainable NTFPsdownload
30Silviculture (20M01121203)35,1CompulsoryIn this module, describe Scope, Position & Role of Silviculture, regeneration, silvicultural techniques, silvicultural measures, and Distribution, composition, structure, and utilization of various forest formations in Indonesia, and their management, principles of regulation of stand densitydownload
31Forest Ecology (21M03120603)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces the forest ecology, Biophysical environmental factors, classifying vegetation and forest types, habitat-forming factors, and Forest distribution and
32Engineering and Clearing of Forest Area (20M01121403)35,1CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice development of forest areas and infrastructure required for each form of forest harvestingdownload
33Solid Wood Processing & Working Technology (20M02120802)23,4CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know, describe, and explain: Technical terms related to solid wood processing; Conversion of round wood to sawn timber; Sawn timber dimensions; yield of sawn timber processing; Wood drying and grading; Wood machining; Woodworking process and products; Woodworking equipment; Wood joint and assembly; Finishing; and Overview of future product
34Forest Inventory (20M01121503)35,1CompulsoryForest Inventory describe, and practice: Definition, Scope and Role of a Forest Inventory, Measurement of trees and stands, Types of Sampling Methods in Forest Inventory, and analysis of stand growthdownload
No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
35Community Forestry Management (20M01130103)35,1CompulsoryIn this course, students will have knowledge and practice related to the theory of commons as well as community-based forest management, access to forest utilization/management, and the formalization process of various forest area utilization schemes for local
36Soil & Water Conservation (20M01130203)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces Definition, and Scope, Methods and Classification of Land Capability, Relationship of Precipitation and Surface Runoff, Forms, Causative Factors, and estimation of Erosion, and Soil and Water Conservation Techniquesdownload
37Forest Planning (20M01130303)35,1CompulsoryForestry planning describe Role, and Basic Concepts of Forest Planning, Formulation of Goals and Priority Activities, Forest Planning in Indonesia about Conception & Implementation Method (activities).download
38Seed & Nursery Technology (20M01130403)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces the scope, position and role of seed and nursery technology starting from the process of sourcing and harvesting fruit, handling and classifying seeds, germination and certification, generative and vegetative plants, nursery areas and plant seed transfer techniquesdownload
39Environmental Management (20M01130502)23,4CompulsoryIn this course, students will describe the basic principles of environmental policy and management, environmental auditing; environmental control management; Principles of EIA review, and Impact assessment and
40Agroforestry (20M01130603)35,1CompulsoryThis course introduces of the agroforestry system, classification, criteria and considerations for selecting the types of agroforestry components, the relationship and role of biophysical, climatic, socio cultural factors in the development of agroforestry, the role of agroforestry in climate changedownload
41Harvesting Forest (20M01130703)35,1CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice to increase productivity and economic value of forest resources and forest products in a sustainable manner, purpose of forest harvesting planning, data and information needed in harvesting planning forest, and the necessary analyzes and plans for forest harvesting operationsdownload
42Watershed Quality Assessment (20M01130802)23,4ElectiveThis course introduces guidelines for the Implementation of Watershed Management, Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation of Watershed, Indicators to Determine the Quality of Watershed, The Quality of Watershed based on: Land criteria, water system, socioeconomic, and regional space utilizationdownload
43Forest Hydrology (20M01130902)23,4ElectiveThis course introduces the scope of forest hydrology science, hydrological processes in the forest, water balance of a Forested Watershed, models used in forest hydrology, influence of various forest vegetation on water
44Forestry Planning for Regional Development (20M01131002)23,4ElectiveIn this course, describe, explain and practice: Data and Information Processing Technology and Planning for Natural Resources and Forestsdownload
45Remote Sensing Applications for Forest Resource Analysis (20M01131102)23,4ElectiveIn this course will describe, and practice about Basic Concepts, and Data Analysis Techniques of remote sensing such as Image Interpretation Methods (Supervised and Unsupervised), Data Accuracy Test, and Remote sensing applications for Forest and Land Resource Analysisdownload
46Harvesting Cost Analysis (20M01131202)23,4ElectiveIn this module, the students classify forest harvesting costs, analyze, plan and evaluate the use of costs in the stages of equipment use, harvesting operations and forest road construction (spacing roads)download
47Forest Exploitation (20M01131302)23,4ElectiveIn this module, the student discusses forms of forest exploitation, government policies in the field of forest exploitation, examples of small-scale and large-scale forest exploitation, draft forest exploitation plansdownload
48Forest Entomology (20M01131402)23,4ElectiveThe forest course studies the morphological characteristics of insects, the morphological characteristics of insect orders and their rolesdownload
49Forest Pests and Diseases (20M01131502)23,4ElectiveThe pest and disease course studies the differences in forest damage caused by forest pests and diseases, the diversity of pest and pathogen groups, and provides examples of cases of pest and forest disease attacks and their control
50Plantation Silviculture (20M01131602)23,4ElectiveThis course introduces the role of plantation silviculture, the location and species suitable for developing a plantation, the purpose of its utilization, seed procurement techniques and treatment, nursery types and development technology, technique and method before and after planting, method to improve the quality and productivity of stands growth, sustainable forest management policiesdownload
51Forestry Development Project Analysis (20M01132102)23,4ElectiveIn this course, student will know describe, explain and practice role of project analysis in forestry development; financial feasibility, and economic viability of forest development
52Forestry Accounting (20M01132202)23,4ElectiveIn this course, students will know, describe, explain and practice related to the basic conception of accounting; the role of accounting in forest exploitation; preparation of financial statements; calculating physical balance and monetary balance in community forest
53Forestry and Environmental Law (20M01132302)23,4ElectiveIn this course, students will have knowledge and practice related to the concept of forestry law; the relation of forestry law to ensure forest sustainability and empowerment; and the conception of discretion in forestry and environmental
No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
54Research Method (20M01132403)35,1CompulsoryIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice Research Methodology course that provides students with an overview of how to formulate research problems, conduct research, and report research findingsdownload
55Forestry Extension (20M01132502)23,4CompulsoryIn this course, student will know, describe, explain and practice Conception and function of extension, as a communicator, facilitator and forestry assistant, Design of forestry extension programs, Demonstration of forestry extensiondownload
56Forestry & Environmental Policy (20M01132602)23,4CompulsoryThis course enables students to understand the primary concept of forestry and environmental policy, analyze the policy cycle formulation of forestry and environmental policies, and analyze contemporary forestry and environmental
57Forest Management (20M01132702)23,4CompulsoryThis course introduces Elements of forest management prescriptions include forest planning, forest management plan development, yield prediction, and sustainable forest management
58Integrated Practice Management (20M01132801)11,7CompulsoryStudents are able to apply integrated forest management practices starting from social, economic and ecological aspects which include forest planning, developing forest management plans, predicting results and the concept of sustainable forest
59Industrial Management (20M02131702)23,4CompulsoryIn this module, the students will describe scope of Industrial Management; Decision-making techniques in the forest product industry, planning & designing, as well as types and characteristics of production process, planning and forecasting of raw material needs, Quality control methods; and marketing
60Forest Village Empowerment (20M01132903)35,1CompulsoryThis course facilitates students to comprehend the basic concepts of forest village empowerment science, analytical tools in analyzing various forest village empowerment policies and programs, and analyze collective action in empowering forest village
61Co-curricular (PKMR and Other Activity) (20M01133002)23,4CompulsoryCo-curricular is a course to develop students’ self-capacity competencies through activities on and/or off campus. Co-curricular activities are fully practiced. Through this course, it helps students to be technically able to practice the steps of handling emergencies in various cases in the forest, interact with forest communities, bridge collaborations with stakeholders especially in the forestry sector, and produce tangible work in various fieldsdownload
62Forest Influences (20M01133102)23,4ElectiveIn this course, describe and explain function of forests in the world, the influence of forests on each environmental segment, forest effects on other plants and hydrology, The interrelationships between forests and other plants and hydrology, The interrelationship between forests and climate change, the influence of forests on water systems, climate, health and socio-economicdownload
63Inventory and Monitoring of Forest Resources and Environment (20M01133202)23,4ElectiveIn this course will describe, and practice about Multi-source forest inventory, Landscape Based Forest Inventory, deforestation Spatial Patterns, Monitoring and evaluation of carbon stocks, and carrying capacity of the environmentdownload
64Forest Harvesting Machines (20M01133302)23,4ElectiveIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice introduction to Forest Product Harvesting Machines and how and Working Principles of Harvesting Equipmentdownload
65Low Impact Forest Harvesting (20M01133402)23,4ElectiveIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice definition of Reduce impact loggingdownload
66Wood Harvesting Management in Community Forest (20M01133402)23,4ElectiveIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice about the definition of forest harvesting, the scope of community forest harvesting, and the objectives and role of harvesting
67Beneficial Insect (20M01133602)23,4ElectiveThe beneficial insect course studies insects as environmental services and the potential commercial products from Insects the potential commercial products from
68Sericulture (20M01133702)23,4ElectiveThe Sericulture course studies mulberry as food for silkworms, mulberry cultivation (moriculture), get to know silk-producing insects, silkworm cultivation and product diversificationdownload
69Apiology (20M01133802)23,4ElectiveThe Apiology course studies the diversity of plant species that feed honey bees, the diversity of types of insects that produce honey, bioecology, behavior, the diversity of honey bee species, honey bee cultivation techniques (apiculture and meliponiculture), demonstrating honey bee products and their
70Urban Forest Management (20M01133902)23,4ElectiveThis course introduces the scope and role of urban forests, characteristics, environmental problems, benefits, habitat and classification of urban forests, suitable plans for urban forests, garden style, design and development for urban forestdownload
71Forest Fire Management (20M01134002)23,4ElectiveThis course introduces scope of forest fire control, process and basis for fire occurrence, classification and properties of fuel as well as factors causing fires, the relationship between weather and forest fires, the impact of forest and land fires on ecology, economy and social as well as ways to prevent and control them, the use of fire in forest
72Marketing Management (20M01134502)23,4ElectiveIn this module, the students will know, describe, explain and practice basic concepts of marketing management, market opportunities, marketing environment, consumer behavior, product planning, pricing, marketing channels, digital marketing, and global marketing
73Aggregate Economic (20M01134602)23,4ElectiveAggregative economy courses cover its philosophy, structure, transmission of structural change, and the importance of forest resources in regional economies. Students learn how to create successful economic policies and understand large-scale economic processes in this coursedownload
74Forestry Sociology and Anthropology (20M01134702)23,4ElectiveThis course enables students to grasp the social structures, power relations in rural areas, and rural cultural features and
75Social Research Methodology (20M01134802)23,4ElectiveThis course facilitates students to comprehend the research/knowledge paradigms, diverse social research methods in a rural forest context, and to design a social research
No.Course Name (Code)Credit PointsECTSScopeDescriptionModule Handbook
76Comprehensive Examination (20M01140101)11,7CompulsoryComprehensive exams are carried out as a measure of the ability of undergraduate students in the forestry study program to master everything courses, passing a comprehensive exam is also a requirement for forestry students to obtain a bachelor’s degree in
77Field Work Practice 1/General Practice (20M01140204)46,8CompulsoryThis course is in the intermediate semester and aims to actualize management concepts that have been received in class to the field. Field work practice is carried out in the Hasanuddin university education forest and in this course involves field observations, data collection and making forest management
78Field Work Practice 2/Student Study Service (21M01149604)46,8CompulsoryThe course aims to apply forestry knowledge that has been accepted in the community or agencies related to the forestry sector, starting from field observations, to in-depth discussions and actions to solve
79Final Seminar (20M01140401)11,7CompulsoryFinal Seminar is an explaining activity starting from the research background and problem formulation, research methods and design, data analysis and interpretation, as well as conclusions on findings in the forestry sectordownload
80Final Project (Thesis) (20M01140504)46,8CompulsoryThis is a completion of study course, namely an independent final assignment course supervised by 2 supervisors. The final assignments carried out include research design, literature study, developing appropriate research methods, data analysis, writing a thesis to exams according to the chosen theme in the forestry
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