Student Activity Units

Bachelor Programme in Forestry continues to make active efforts to increase student participation and achievement in reasoning, arts and sports competitions, both at local, national and international levels. Students’ entrepreneurial abilities and welfare also continue to be encouraged and developed. Forestry students are expected to not only study forestry science, but also carry out activities to develop their soft skills so that they become graduates who are independent, full of initiative, work carefully, responsibly and are tough. Bachelor Programme in Forestry encourages activities through several student activity units:


This institution is called Sylva Indonesia PC. Unhas is an institution or student executive body affiliated with all forestry students in Indonesia


This institution is called Biro Khusus Pandu Alam Lingkungan (BKPAL), is an institution that accommodates students’ interest in nature and the environment.


This institution called Biro Khusus Belantara Kreatif (BKBK) is an institution that accommodates the interests and talents of students in the fields of arts, sports and journalism.


IFSA is a globally organised and locally operating students organisation. We connect forestry students to their peers and forest-related organisations and policy platforms. Essentially we’re in the business of connecting, empowering, and educating the next generation of leaders.


This institution, called The Forestry Scientific Reasoning Group / Kelompok Penalaran Ilmiah Kehutana (KEPIK), is a group of students who specialize in scientific writing.


This institution, called the Community Forestry Services Team  / Tim Layanan Kehutanan Masyarakat (TLKM), is a non-governmental organization that focuses on forestry issues.


This institution, called Gerakan Mahasiswa Islam (GAMIS) is a student institution that accommodates religious fields, especially Islamic religion


This institution, called Persatuan Doa Rimbawan (PDR), is a student organization in the religious field, especially Christianity.

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