Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) Faculty of Forestry Unhas Year 2023 Dean: Proud to Enter the Faculty of Forestry

Tamalanrea-Makassar. The Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) is holding an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) in 2023. The implementation of the PKKMB this time carries the theme “Actualization and Strengthening Free Learning in Supporting the Realization of the Character of Unhas Foresters who are Globally Competitive in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5”. The activity started at 07.30 WITA in the 1st Floor Hall of the Faculty of Forestry, Tuesday (15/8).

Starting the activities of the Chairman of the PKKMB Committee for the Faculty of Forestry, Dr. Asrianny, S.Hut., M.Sc. in his report said that the number of new students at the Faculty of Forestry Unhas was 385 consisting of 231 Forestry Study Programs, 83 Forestry Engineering Study Programs and 71 Forest Conservation Study Programs.

“Welcome and join the 385 new students of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University. We hope that you will be prepared and motivated in carrying out academic activities and we hope that you can become the next generation of excelling in forestry science and be able to make a real contribution in preserving the environment,” explained Dr. Asrianny.

More Dr. Asrianny expressed her gratitude to the committee and all parties who have supported and contributed to the success of this event, especially colleagues of lecturers, educational staff and students involved in this activity.

Dean of the Faculty of Forestry Unhas, Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU. in his remarks conveyed an outline of the Faculty of Forestry Unhas which has three study programs namely, Forestry Study Program, Forestry Engineering Study Program and Forest Conservation Study Program.

“The Faculty of Forestry Unhas not only accepts students from within the country, but also accepts foreign students, currently we have 36 foreign students both online and offline, you should be proud to be accepted and be part of the big family of the Faculty of Forestry Unhas,” explained A. Mujetahid.

Not only that, Dr. A. Mujetahid also said that until now the number of collaborations between the Faculty of Forestry and various agencies, both domestic and foreign, was 30 collaborations.

“I hope that the new students of the Faculty of Forestry Unhas can take advantage of this opportunity and carry out their lectures well because we really hope that you can finish your studies quickly in a maximum of 10 semesters so that other friends can enter and enjoy the facilities and learning available at the Faculty of Forestry, “explained A. Mujetahid.

After the official opening, the activity then continued with the presentation of material from the speakers. Present as a guest speaker, Ir. Thomas Nifinluri, M.Sc. (Director of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forestry) presented material with the theme “Actualization and Strengthening Free Learning in supporting the realization of the character of Unhas Foresters who are globally competitive in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0”.

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a phenomenon that collaborates cyber technology and automation technology. In the industrial revolution 4.0, there are 9 technologies that will become the main pillars for developing an ordinary industry towards a digital-ready industry.

9 (nine) pillars towards the digital industry namely, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Argument Reality, Cyber ​​Security, Artificial Intelligence, Addictive Manufacturing, Simulation, System Integration and Cloud Computing.

“Strengthening independent campus learning can be done by increasing links and matches between higher education graduates and the business and industrial world,” explained Ir. Thomas.

More Ir. Thomas explained that through the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) students gain broad learning experiences and new competencies through learning outside their study program and produce competent graduates.

The activity went smoothly until 16.15 WITA and ended with a group photo session.


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